Thanks, stillin and fulano:
Welcome, Aquarian and spouse of weirded-out wife.
Boy do I understand! As I had written earlier on another thread or two, in the 1950s and early-'60s, we were not JWs; but Mom was a back call and occasional "study" of Lillian Grobel, a very poor but devoted anointed sister.
My on-the-fringe mother's bed was our library away from the Carnegie down the street, in the University District. On it were scattered Astrology Today, Awake!, The Watchtower, The Good Earth and The Egg and I (both copies of which are here in my study), Arundel, Lost Horizon, ad infinitum.
To this day, what sticks most prominently with me were her magazines on astrology, particularly the ads for the Rosicrucians; since childhood, I have been drawn to the "other side":